Family Literacy Tutorials

Madison Heights

Ten half-hour dramatic episodes. Madison Heights centers around a hypothetical middle school and focuses on one or more families struggling to overcome adversity with courage, dignity and hope. Each episode addresses a particular problem, such as illiteracy, alcoholism, and welfare.


Ten half-hour documentaries. These real life episodes trace the lives of real families
from different backgrounds, allowing viewers to share the experiences of others who are struggling with the same family literacy issues...and making progress! These episodes deal with the same problems which Madison Heights addresses dramatically.

Marriages and Families - Our Families, Ourselves

Our Families, Ourselves looks at the American family in the 21st century.  It examines the momentous events that have shaped the evolution of the American family over more than two hundred years, such as immigration, ethnicity, gender, religion, economics, and poverty.  It discusses marriage in relation to love, commitment and parenting, as well as violence, divorce, and age, and it tries to show the pitfalls that all of us need to avoid in order to maintain our families and our