Adult Series Listing |
Complete Series Listing Adult Education
AceMath can supplement or replace any math curriculum. The program can be customized and integrated to fit a specific course or mode of instruction. It assures individualized learning by allowing an instructor to tailor the material to complement a student’s unique learning style and pace. It is flexible, self-paced, and age-appropriate for adult learners. As students strengthen their math skills and experience classroom success, they acquire a confidence that follows them into the workforce. And as they become productive and responsible citizens, they are afforded the opportunity to further their education.
AceMath has over 300 videos and 40 CD's in subjects ranging from Basic Math Skills to Calculus. The instruction presented is based on scientific research and experience. We have drawn on over 16 years of experience to provide educators a learning tool that is effective, easy to use, and affordable. Our close attention to student and educator feedback has helped us perfect our choice of material and style of presentation. Best of all, our award winning instructors nice way of allaying students' math anxieties and putting them at ease so they can grasp those complex mathematical concepts they need to survive in today’s competitive world.
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AceMath Series Include: