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In response to your requests to include AceMath into your grant proposals, Video Resources Software offers proven, research-based programs to help students master fundamental math skills and advanced learning concepts.

In a recent study, the National Science Foundation found that using software to supplement traditional instruction significantly increases math scores.

“students learned more in math classes that included ILS* instruction . . . ILS effects on mathematics test scores in most studies were not only statistically significant, but they were large enough to be considered educationally meaningful.”National Science Foundation

*The term integrated learning system (ILS) refers to software programs that provide tutorial instruction at several grade levels and keep extensive records of student progress on networked computer systems.

Click here to view the complete report.

In August 2002, a report by Boster, Meyer, Roberto, and Inge examined the effectiveness on using technology to deliver standards-based video content and support materials to students and teachers. Results of the study indicated that the Experimental Group students’ improvement exceeded control group improvement within the testing content area. In June 2004, Boster, Meyer, Roberto and Inge conducted a follow-up study to provide additional information concerning the effectiveness of video on demand applications to increase math scores specifically. Results indicate that the Experimental Group students' improvement exceeded the Control Group students' improvement as much as 4.8%!

We are also pleased to announce the results of a recent study at a Title I school, conducted by Dr. Robert Cage with Educational Planners and Evaluators. At the 2 nd grade level, student's scores increased a total of 21.7% in the experimental group over the control group. The experimental group utilized the AceMath Elementary Math series to supplement traditional teaching methods. The control group received instruction using traditional teaching methods only.

The Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education states that programs using like practices can rely on the same research to prove the effectiveness of their product. Boster, et. al. identified the benefits of standards based video curriculum, such as the AceMath Interactive Video Tutor. First, with video on demand, student and teachers can easily preview material before presenting it and students who missed the video shown in class can access video instruction whenever and wherever they want. Second, the required plug-in (QuickTime) comes without cost. Third, AceMath video on CD provides schools with a substantial instructional video collection with minimal cost, thereby allowing schools to offer far more resources to students at a significantly reduced price. Additionally, the AceMath technology demands minimal storage, personnel or replacement costs. Finally, the availability of AceMath’s comprehensive supplemental instructional packages helps teachers incorporate materials into current lesson plans or allows supplemental service providers the opportunity to deliver curriculum that augments that which is taught in the classroom.

These CD based programs will provide students with individualized instruction, remediation and enrichment while aligning to national standards. AceMath can be deployed individually or can be utilized together depending on the learning level and specific needs of each student. The program is flexible -rich in features but easy to learn and put to productive use.

Educators using these programs have come forward, describing how AceMath helps students improve their knowledge of key concepts and lessons. For more information on what educators are saying, please click here.

Teachers Help Students
Everything we do at Video Resources Software begins with the teacher. They are the primary source of instruction. Using AceMath, teachers can diagnose student comprehension of a topic and provide supplementary lessons to remedy skill deficiencies, track student progress and measure levels of achievement.

AceMath's numerous activities and video lessons are designed to supplement math curriculum. Teachers can select individual objectives from AceMath or let the software prescribe individual lessons based on each student's preassessment test. As students progress through their lesson, the software measures their understanding of key learning concepts. Teachers can assess each student or each class with regard to their understanding of the concepts. Teachers can easily and quickly adjust their lesson plans to improve each student's level of achievement as well as the collective standing of the class.

Increased Learning Time and Productivity
AceMath will extend learning opportunities beyond the traditional day. The program is a tremendous supplemental tool and will fully support teachers' efforts. The programs will add value to regular core classes, test preparation programs, before, after and summer school programs, special education, ESL, adult education, migrant programs and more. A teacher can select specific objectives for each student or assign a pretest and let the software diagnose individual deficiencies. In addition to indicating where students should begin video lessons, the software tracks the time each student devotes to each lesson and their test scores over time. Administrators, teaches and parents love the reports in AceMath.

Continuity of Instruction
Unlike instructional software that resides on a school network server, AceMath is accessible at any time via CD-ROM, with schools making them available for check-out. Students can access lessons from any computer with a CD-ROM drive - at school, at home, from a library or other resource center. However, it is possible to stream the AceMath videos on a network server. The lesson the student begins in school can be continued from other locations in the evening and on weekends. With continuity of instruction, key concepts get reinforced. Spared the embarrassment of not knowing answers in the classroom and falling behind as their classmates turn to new topics, students can take as much time as they need with AceMath. Students who do not grasp a concept the first time can repeat lessons in private, and review examples and answer test questions until they have mastered the building blocks for successful math learning.

Measure Progress & Accountability
Educators remain in control. Statistical data from AceMath allows them to see at a glance which students are making productive use of the software and which are not. Test scores provide objective data to measure the progress of each individual student and every class. Teachers and administrators can measure the effectiveness of new each lesson and determine which merit inclusion and which do not. Using pretest and posttest results, teachers can identify which students are meeting national standards and which could benefit from additional remedial and tutoring efforts.

State educators can use statistical data generated by AceMath to demonstrate the effectiveness of their programs when they make presentations to federal agencies and educational foundations as well as to their school boards and local learning communities.

AceMath is based on research and experience. We have drawn on over 16 years of experience, first with AceMath’s Video Learning System, and expanded our vision to provide a product that offers enrichment as well as remedial instruction. In AceMath, educators have a product that is effective, easy to use and affordable. With the Interactive Video Tutor, you can tailor students' learning experience to their style and pace.

Aligned To State Standards
AceMath is aligned with state standards, as well as national standards, giving teachers a powerful tool to help students master fundamental math skills. As students strengthen their knowledge of these skills, they will experience success in the classroom and in their performance on other standardized assessments.

Teacher-Directed Study
In a typical school year of 180 days, students receive four to five hours a day of academic instruction. The lessons in AceMath are designed to supplement a teacher's lesson plans. In addition to remedial lessons, teachers can assign enrichment modules in Algebra I, Trigonometry, and Calculus. The lessons that begin in school can be continued in the library, at home or any other place the student has access to a computer.

Ease of Use / Training
AceMath follows the familiar paradigm of the lesson plan. Each lesson has specific objectives, written material to review and examples or discussion to illustrate key concepts. If the student wrongly answers preassessment questions, the software prompts the student to go to the video lesson covering that particular objective, providing the correct answer and the principles or concepts underlying the answer.

Though most teachers can quickly learn to use AceMath on their own, Video Resources Software will provide every school with one-hour introductory phone training with a professional AceMath Trainer that makes simultaneous use of the computer and a toll-free conference call.

AceMath focuses on core math skills and concepts, not an entire curriculum. AceMath is both an effective and affordable choice for schools seeking to expand their learning reach at reasonable costs. (Educational software containing thousands of hours of instruction tends to be less cost-effective because teachers and students have limited time to make much use of these costly packages.)

Solutions For Many - A Solution For One
AceMath can be applied in one school or in multiple schools across a district. Educators could apply it's the benefits of the AceMath series in one or more districts - even the entire state-to help those students most in need of remedial instruction. (Advanced lesson objectives could also enrich the learning experience of gifted and talented students.)

A variety of educators have stated these benefits of using the AceMath Interactive Video Tutor:

· Saves time, less manual paperwork
· Supplements in-class teaching time
· Automatically identifies students' weak skills to quickly focus on teaching "needed"   concepts
· Broadens the ability to provide one-on-one instruction
· Serves as an "indicator" of specific student, class or overall school test performance
· Motivates teachers and students to teach and learn in different ways
· Saves money by eliminating or reducing the need for additional staff
· Adds structure to study halls and library time
· Increases performance on standardized tests
· Serves the entire school in multiple learning settings
· Decreases the number of students "at risk" of failing
· Supports teachers by reinforcing traditional teaching methods
· Covers core skills necessary to reach higher learning goals
· Familiarizes students with test formats and is self-paced
· Remediate adult learners for success in the workplace
· Excites parents and provides an added tutorial service