Basic Mathematics Video Series

The Basic Mathematics video series consists of 40 DVDs. Each DVD is approximately 25-30 minutes in length. Topics in this series include whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, percent and percent applications, the U.S. and metric systems of measurement, perimeter, area, statistics, probability, signed numbers, introduction to variables, solving equations and applications, and exponents.

This series is extremely helpful to students currently enrolled in a basic mathematics course, a prealgebra mathematics course, or for anyone wanting to review basic mathematics.

1001 - Whole Numbers - Place Value, Addition, Subtraction and Rounding. This segment covers place value in the usual base ten numbering system for whole numbers. Addition and subtraction in columns, lining up place values vertically, and carrying in addition as well as borrowing in subtraction are covered. Rounding whole numbers to any place value is covered.

1002 - Whole Numbers - Multiplication and Order of Operations. This segment covers multiplication of whole numbers. Order of operations is covered for computations involving several operations and removal of parentheses or grouping symbols.

1003 - Whole Numbers - Division. This segment covers long division of whole numbers using the division algorithm. Simple applications are also covered.

1004 - Whole Numbers - Estimating. This segment covers a review of rounding whole numbers as well as estimating sums, products, and quotients by rounding. Applications of estimating are also included.

1005 - Whole Numbers - Factors and Multiples. This segment covers factoring of whole numbers and the concept of one number being a multiple of another.

1006 - Fractions - Equivalent Fractions, Lowest Terms, Comparing Fractions and Mixed Numbers. This segment covers equivalence of fractions and reduction to lowest terms. Comparison of fractions and mixed numbers is also covered.

1007 - Fractions - Multiplication and Division. This segment covers multiplication of fractions as well as the use of dividing out common factors to simplify the multiplication. Division is covered via inversion of the divisor followed by multiplication.

1008 - Fractions - Least Common Denominator, Addition and Subtraction. This segment covers common denominators for pairs of fractions and addition and subtraction of fractions by first replacing fractions with equivalent fractions all having common denominators. The concept and use of least common denominators is also covered.

1009 - Fractions - Real World Applications of Fractions. This segment covers solving applications by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing fractions.

1010 - Decimals - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Rounding. This segment covers addition and subtraction of decimals by working in columns with decimal points lined up vertically, multiplication by addition of partial products and location of the decimal point for the product. Rounding of decimal numbers is also covered.

1011 - Decimals - Division, Converting to Fractions. This segment covers long division of decimals as well as conversion from decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals.

1012 - Ratio and Proportion - Fundamentals of Ratios and Proportions. This segment covers ratio, rate and proportion. Topics included are unit rates, three ways of writing a ratio, and solving proportions by cross multiplying.

1013 - Ratio and Proportion - Applications of Proportions. This segment covers applications solved by setting up and solving proportions. The importance of like units in the numerators and like units in the denominators is stressed.

1014 - Percent - Converting Among Fractions, Decimals and Percents. This segment covers percent, conversion of decimals to percents and percents to decimals as well as applications to everyday real problems.

1015 - Percent - Real World Applications of Percents. This segment covers the more advanced applications of percents such as in problems of interest rates on loans and savings accounts.

1016 - Percent - Using Percents in Everyday Situations. This segment is to be viewed after a study of percents. It is meant to help students become comfortable with percents as they might encounter them in real-life situations. estimating is encouraged. Applications include discount, restaurant tips, layaways, purchasing a home, and purchasing a car.

1017 - Measurement - U.S. Customary System. This segment covers units of length, capacity, and weight in the U.S. Customary System. Converting from one unit of measurement to another by unit fractions is included. An example of adding lengths is shown as well as an application.

1018 - Measurement - Metric System. This segment covers units of length, capacity, and mass in the Metric System. Converting from one unit of measurement to another by unit fractions is included as well as converting by using a table.

1019 - Measurement - Customary and Metric System Conversions. This segment covers converting between the Metric System and the U.S. Customary System. A large portion of this tape segment is devoted to converting through estimation.

1020 - Geometry - Lines, Angles and Triangles. This segment covers definitions and classifications of basic geometric terms including line segments, rays and right, acute, straight, and obtuse angles. The Pythagorean Theorem is introduced to find the unknown side of a right triangle. The concept of similar, congruent and perfect triangles is also covered.

1021 - Geometry - Line and Angle Relationships.

1022 - Geometry - Polygons.

1023 - Geometry - Transformations and Symmetry.

1024 - Geometry - Geometric Relationships.

1025 - Geometry - Perimeter, Area and Volume. This segment covers methods of computing perimeter and area for elementary geometric figures such as squares, triangles, rectangles parallelograms, circles and trapezoids.

1026 - Statistics - Charts and Graphs. This segment introduces statistics and how it is used to describe the results of events using various graphing techniques including pictographs, bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs and histograms.

1027 - Statistics - Mean, Median, Mode and Organizing Data. This segment explores ways to use statistics to organize data numerically including mean, median, mode and range. Techniques to organize data visually including stem-and-leaf plots, box-and-whisker plots and scatter plots are also introduced.

1028 - Probability - Introduction to Probability. This segment introduces using probability as a means to predict outcomes. Tree Diagrams and other practical applications of using probability to predict outcomes numerically are discussed.

1029 - Signed Numbers - Operations on Signed Numbers. This segment covers the notion of negative numbers as well as rules for signs in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers.

1030 - Signed Numbers - The Order of Operations and Signed Numbers. This segment covers order of operations. Some examples include exponents.

1031 - Introduction to Algebra - Variables and Like Terms. This segment covers an introduction to variables, expressions, and evaluating an expression if given replacement values. Also formulas are evaluated by substituting given replacement values.

1032 - Introduction to Algebra - Solving Equations. This segment covers solving the most elementary linear equations so as to provide an introduction to the beginning of algebra. The notion of keeping an equation in balance is covered as well as elementary techniques for isolation of the unknown.

1033 - Introduction to Algebra - Applications of Linear Equations. This segment covers translating phrases into expressions and solving applications by setting up and solving linear equations.

1034 - Rectangular Coordinate System and Distance Between Points.

1035 - Graphing on the Rectangular Coordinate System.

1036 - Slope and Forms of a Line.

1037 - Linear Relationships and Scientific Notation.

1038 - Relations And Functions.

1039 - Exponents - Using Exponents. This segment covers the computation of numerical expressions involving whole number exponents as well as the elementary rules of exponents.

1040 - Exponents - Exponent Rules and Radicals. This segment covers the basic notions of roots and radicals and their relations to whole number exponents.


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