Intermediate Algebra Video Series

The Intermediate Algebra video series on DVD consists of 31 DVDs. Each DVD is approximately 25-30 minutes in length. Topics include exponents, solving linear equations and inequalities and applications, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, complex fractions, graphing linear equations and inequalities, and equations of lines, radicals, rational exponents, solving quadratic equations. Many of the topic titles are the same as for the beginning algebra series, but at a level consistent with intermediate algebra courses.

This series is extremely helpful to students currently enrolled in an intermediate algebra course, for review before enrolling in a college algebra course, or for anyone wanting to review intermediate algebra skills.

3001 - Solving Linear Equations.
This segment covers the solution of linear equations, balancing equations, isolation of the unknown, and moving terms from one side of the equation to the other. Removal of parentheses and simplification of terms is covered as well as collecting like terms. Equations covered are at the intermediate algebra level of difficulty. Also covered are literal equations or equations involving several different symbols in which one in particular is to be isolated.

3002 - Applications that Lead to Linear Equations.
This segment covers a variety of intermediate level word problems including problems involving distance, speed, and time as well as problems involving interest rates.

3003 - Solving Linear Inequalities.
This segment covers solving linear inequalities by isolating the unknown using methods similar to those for linear equations. The reversal of inequality symbol when multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number is also covered. The problems covered here are at the intermediate algebra level of difficulty.

3004 - Solving Absolute Value Equations.
This segment covers the solution of equations in which one or more terms contain the absolute value of a linear expression in the unknown . The method of isolation of the absolute value term is used.

3005 - Compound Inequalities.
This segment covers the method of solving and graphing compound inequalities and pairs of inequalities in one unknown.

3006 - Solving Absolute Value Inequalities.
This segment covers the method of solving absolute value inequalities by isolating the absolute value term and reducing to a system of compound inequalities.

3007 - Exponents.
This segment covers the laws of exponents in relation to the basic operations on real numbers as well as the use of the laws of exponents to simplify or rearrange algebraic expressions. Negative exponents are also covered.

3008 - Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of Polynomials.
This segment covers addition and subtraction of polynomials as well as removal of parentheses. Multiplication of polynomials is also covered.

3009 - Greatest Common Factor and Factoring Trinomials.
This segment covers factoring of polynomials beginning with factoring out the greatest common factor. In the case of trinomials the method of arranging terms in descending degree and inspection of signs to locate signs in the factors is covered. In case of polynomials with four or more terms, the method of factoring by grouping is covered. The problems covered here are at the intermediate algebra level of difficulty.

3010 - Factoring Binomials.
This segment covers factoring binomials in the case of the difference of two perfect squares and in the case of the sum or difference of two cubes. The case of binomials which reduce to these cases after factorization of the greatest common factor is also covered. The problems covered here are at the intermediate algebra level of difficulty.

3011 - General Factoring.
This segment covers factoring polynomials in general. In the case of binomials the difference of two perfect squares and the sum or difference of two cubes as well as binomials which can be treated by these methods are covered. In the case of trinomials the method of arranging terms in order of decreasing degree in order to determine the signs of the terms in the factors is covered. For polynomials with more than three terms factoring by grouping is covered. Polynomials in more than one variable are also covered.

3012 - Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring.
This segment covers the method of solving quadratic equations by first rearranging terms so as to force one side of the equation to be identically zero and then factoring the resulting trinomial or binomial. The factors are then used to obtain linear equations for the solutions. The problems covered are at the intermediate algebra level of difficulty.

3013 - Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions.
This segment covers multiplication and division of rational expressions as well as reducing to lowest terms by factoring both numerator and denominator. In case of multiplication the use of cancellation before multiplication to simplify work is covered. The problems covered are at the intermediate algebra level.

3014 - Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions.
This segment covers addition and subtraction of rational expressions by finding the least common denominator after factoring all denominators. The problems covered here are at the intermediate algebra level of difficulty.

3015 - Complex Fractions.
This segment covers complex fractions and the short method of simplification by multiplying numerator and denominator by the least common denominator of all denominators in the terms of the numerator and denominator of the complex fraction. This segment also covers complex fractions in which negative exponents appear.

3016 - Division of Rational Expressions.
This segment covers the simplification of rational expressions by using long division of polynomials to divide the numerator by the denominator when the numerator has higher degree than the denominator.

3017 - Equations Involving Rational Expressions.
This segment covers methods for solving equations involving rational expressions which can be reduced to either linear or quadratic equations on multiplication of both sides of the equation by the least common denominator of all denominators in the equation. The notion of elimination of extraneous roots or solutions by checking all solutions in the original equation is also covered. The problems covered are at the level of intermediate algebra.

3018 - Applications that Lead to Rational Expressions.
This segment covers a variety of applications that arise which lead to equations involving rational expressions. In particular, problems involving distance, rate and time, as well as word problems are covered. Also covered are problems with literal equations.

3019 - Rational Exponents.
This segment covers the meaning and usage of rational exponents and the simplification of algebraic expressions using the laws of exponents when rational exponents are involved. The problems covered here are at the intermediate algebra level of difficulty.

3020 - Simplifying Radicals.
This segment covers the simplification of algebraic expressions involving radicals. This segment also covers the equivalence of radicals with fractional exponents as well as rationalizing denominators where these radicals are encountered in denominators.

3021 - Addition and Subtraction of Radical Expressions.
This segment covers the simplification of algebraic expressions with several terms involving radicals. The method of extraction of perfect roots from the various terms followed by collecting like terms is covered.

3022 - Multiplication and Division of Radical Expressions.
This segment covers multiplication and division of radical expressions and their simplification by extracting perfect roots. This segment also covers rationalizing radical expressions with binomial denominators by multiplying numerator and denominator by the appropriate conjugate of the denominator.

3023 - Radical Equations.
This segment covers the solution of equations with terms containing radicals via successive isolation of radicals and their removal by raising both sides of the equation to the appropriate power. The removal of extraneous solutions from the solution set by checking all solutions in the original equation is also covered.

3024 - Miscellaneous Quadratic Equations Solved by Factoring.
This segment covers a variety of equations, involving various previously studied algebraic expressions, which are reducible to quadratic equations which can then be solved by factoring. This segment also covers the method of solving equations by substituting new symbols for expressions which appear repeatedly in the same equation.

3025 - Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula.
This segment covers the solution of quadratic equations in which the unknowns can be collected into a single term which is the square of a binomial and then are solvable directly by roots. The technique of completing the square is covered to show that the preceding form can always be obtained.

3026 - Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula.
This segment covers the quadratic formula and its use in solving quadratic equations. This segment also covers the rearrangement of any quadratic into standard form to facilitate identification of appropriate coefficients as to their proper place in the quadratic formula for computation of solutions.

3027 - Applications that Lead to Quadratic Equations.
This segment covers various applications which lead to equations which after rearrangement and simplification become reduced to quadratic equations. This segment also covers the Pythagorean Theorem and applications to perimeter and area problems.

3028 - Intercepts, distance and Slope.
This segment covers the rectangular coordinate system and intercept for linear equations in two unknowns. This segment also covers the calculation of the distance between pairs of points with given coordinates as well as the slope of the line segment connecting them.

3029 - Equations of Straight Lines.
This segment covers the slope-intercept and point-slope form for the equation of a line. The relationship of a slope to steepness and methods of calculating slope via rise over run as well as rearrangement into slope-intercept form is covered. Parallel and perpendicular lines are also covered. The problems covered are at the intermediate algebra level of difficulty.

3030 - Graphs of Linear Inequalities.
This segment covers graphing of linear inequalities by the technique of graphing the boundary lines and using test points off of the boundary lines to decide which regions to shade or include. This segment also covers intersection, union, and absolute value inequalities.

3031 - Simultaneous Equations.
This segment covers the solution of systems of linear equations using the elimination method as well as the substitution method. This segment also covers an application.

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